Hannah Potter
Animation graduate from Sunderland University, UK
Writer, Artist, Crafter

Logo for Charlene Melling's School of Dance

Logo for Charlene Melling's Olympian Mini Stars

The final version of the logo designed for the cake company Jooly Scrumptious, a small portion of the base colouring was assisted by Charles Martin.

Original sketch of the logo done for the cake company Jooly Scrumptious

Art of an original character inspired by the avatars of Gaia Online and the song Eple by Röyksopp.

A photo taken of the puppets during production of my 1st year group stop-motion project, Making Love.

A cartoonised version of Poppy from Making Love, used in my 2nd year ident, on business cards and as a general mascot.

Title art of my 2nd year kids TV show concept and future webcomic, Through The Rings

One of the concept sketches for my pitch of Through The Rings showing a town sign for the story's main location.

A height chart of the 6 protagonists, 1 pilot antagonist and 1 major antagonist for Through The Rings.

A frame taken from my 3rd year Halloween short, Countess, showing main character Sadie with a pumpkin.

Frame taken from my final 3rd year project, Canvas.

Photo of the main character puppet and set from my final 3rd year project, Canvas.

Screenshot from my final uni film "Canvas"

Mermaid from a collab comic "Bottle Pirates"